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Across the world, citizens are concerned about the financial crisis -- and they should be. And our governments are working together to address it. This past weekend, I met with the finance ministers from the G7 and G20 -- organizations representing some of the fastest- and largest-growing economies in the world. Yesterday, I joined other G8 leaders in a statement that reaffirms our commitment to resolve the crisis. In other words, we're working together. We want to make sure we're coordinated in our response. All our nations are carrying out a comprehensive plan of action to help unfreeze credit markets and restore confidence in our financial systems.

Now that members of Congress have ensured duty-free access for American -- South American products entering our markets,口譯, they also need to ensure duty-free access for U.S. products entering South American markets. Congress has a good opportunity to take a step in that direction by approving our free trade agreement with Colombia. More than 90 percent of Colombia's exports currently enter the U.S. duty free. Yet American goods sold in Colombia continue to face high tariffs. The Colombia free trade agreement would eliminate these trade barriers. It will level the playing field for America's businesses and farmers and ranchers and workers.

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  “磨嘰”是北京地區的“俚語”,意思是辦事兒拖拖拉拉,不利索。在英文中有一個短語和它有類似的意思,那就是drag one's feet,在“美國習慣用語”中有一課講到了這個短語的用法,現在引用過來供大傢參攷。

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